A secure .nl domain. Our role.

Our vision of internet abuse prevention

Domain names enable access to a wealth of information and services on the internet. Unfortunately, though, they're sometimes used for websites designed to defraud consumers or as platforms for other criminal or unlawful activities. Strictly speaking, as operator of the .nl domain, SIDN isn't responsible or liable for improper activities involving the use of .nl domain names. Nevertheless, we feel it's very important to preserve and enhance the value of our national domain – for the benefit of the Dutch internet community, to which trust and security are vital.

Constantly doing more

Against that background, we have taken various steps with the aim of actively tackling or helping to tackle abuse within the .nl domain and on the internet more widely. In 2010, for example, we introduced a Notice-and-Take-Down procedure for use as a last resort. That was followed in 2016 by a malware and phishing reporting service called Abuse204.nl. We later developed systems for detecting malicious webshops and increased the scope for taking action against the registrants of domain names linked to apparently fraudulent activities.

Why we're involved in abuse prevention

All those initiatives stemmed from an important underlying belief. While that belief has always existed within our organisation, we have never explicitly stated it in writing. However, we now feel it's time to set everything out in black and white – a conclusion that we've reached partly as a result of discussions with the Board of the Registrars' Association. The result is a vision document, which you'll find a link to on this blog page, and which will have a permanent place on our website.

Abuse prevention is our fiduciary responsibility

Central to our vision is the conviction that our position as operator of the .nl domain implies playing an active role in efforts to prevent improper practices within the .nl zone. Although we have no legal responsibility to perform that task, we believe we have a fiduciary responsibility towards the Dutch internet community. We are committed to an open, valuable and value-based .nl zone; a zone where people of good intent can prosper and people of bad intent are, wherever possible, denied entry or shown the door.

How we discharge that responsibility

In order to fight abuse, it's necessary to understand how .nl domain names are used and abused. We actively compile information about such matters and share it with stakeholders as a basis for concerted efforts to stop undesirable activities. Fighting abuse also depends on having appropriate processes and procedures, which provide for direct intervention in certain circumstances.

The principles we apply

Our new vision document sets out the principles that define SIDN's role in the field of abuse prevention. For example, the principle that a domain name is merely a signpost and that intervention on the server supporting an abusive activity is therefore always the preferred course of action. Other principles include the primacy of the crime prevention agencies and the need for any intervention by SIDN to be carefully considered and proportionate. Finally, there is the principle of allowing objections and having an independent appeals mechanism – a principle that we have long honoured through our Complaints and Appeals Board.

A vision informed by practice, and practices guided by a vision

Publication of our vision document is not the end point of a process. We will continue to refine and extend our abuse prevention activities. However, that is something we cannot do alone. Abuse prevention depends on collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, including .nl registrars, .nl registrants, hosting service providers, internet uses and everyone else committed to stamping out abusive activities on the internet. Our vision document provides a useful framework for our activities and encourages continuing commitment.