Meeting of the Supervisory Board of 8 June 2022
Discussed topics
Discussed topics
a. Supervisory Board – Appointment of Marjet van Zuijlen RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board unanimously confirms the appointment of Marjet van Zuijlen as Chair of the Supervisory Board with effect from 1 September 2022 for a term of 3 years.
b. Supervisory Board - Procedure for selection of Supervisory Board member RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board agrees to adopt the tabled profile.
c. Outside roles of Supervisory Board members and CEO
d. Update regarding strategy session
e. Legal restructuring/constitutional changes RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board agrees to proceed with the changes to the organisation's legal structure, as per the memo of 30 May 2022, and to initiate the next steps in the process.
f. Sponsorship of NLnet Labs by SIDN RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board agrees to the proposal that SIDN's partial funding of NLnet Labs should be continued.
g. SB self-evaluation
Tuesday 4 October 2022.