Meeting of the Supervisory Board of 4 October 2022

Discussed topics

1. Agenda items

  • a. Price adjustment 1 January 2023 RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board formalises its previous written resolution to authorise the CEO to adjust the prices for .nl-by 6 per cent, with effect from 1 January 2023. The resolution was initially made by correspondence in order that the change could be communicated in good time.

  • b. Supervisory Board – Staff Council RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board resolves to hold discussions with SIDN's Staff Council twice a year.

  • c. Supervisory Board – appointment of committee members and Chair RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board merges its Selection and Appointments Committee and its Remuneration Committee and appoints Marjet van Zuijlen as Chair of the merged committee. The members of the merged committee will be Marjet van Zuijlen and Mark Frequin. RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board appoints Mark Frequin as Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board, with effect from 4 October 2022.

  • d. Update regarding process of recruiting and selecting a new Supervisory Board member to oversee security and stability RESOLUTION: before candidates for a Supervisory Board post are invited for interview, the choice of candidates will be discussed by the Supervisory Board.

  • e. Meeting dates for 2023 RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board agrees that its scheduled meetings in 2023 will take place on 4 and 5 April, 19 June, 20 September and 12 December.

  • f. Covenant safeguarding the .nl domain 2022-2029 RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board approves entering into a new covenant with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy based on the tabled draft covenant, unless material revisions are proposed. In the latter scenario, the revised covenant (in particular the revisions) will require further approval.

  • g. Strategic consultation body

  • h. Finance RESOLUTION: the Supervisory Board endorses making a share capital payment from SIDN to SIDN Business B.V. to cover the deficit equity capital.

2. Date of next meeting

Tuesday 6 December 2022.