Hieronder vind je veelgestelde vragen over werken bij SIDN. Staat je vraag er niet tussen? Bel of mail ons gerust via hrm@sidn.nl of +31 26 352 55 00
About SIDN
Where is SIDN based?
SIDN has a modern, colourful head office complex at Meander 501, in the city of Arnhem, located in the east of the Netherlands. By car, it's easy to reach our offices from the A12 motorway. Coming by public transport? We're about twenty minutes from Arnhem Central Station by bike.
What's the atmosphere like at SIDN?
The working atmosphere at SIDN is informal. If you join our team, you can count on a warm welcome. Most newcomers settle in quickly, helped by older hands dropping by to say hello whenever someone starts. People here care about each other and how their colleagues are doing. Our open-plan workspaces make personal interaction a natural part of everyday life. Because SIDN uses multidisciplinary teams, your role may well involve working with people from other departments, not just your own. Meaning plenty of lively and varied contact. And you'll see more jeans and tee-shirts than sharp suits. It's a setting where you can be yourself.
Who works at SIDN?
People at SIDN are highly motivated and passionate about the internet, especially making it better and more secure. We like to maintain a good mix of lively young minds and experienced specialists. And cooperation is central to our ethos.
What kind of workplace will I have?
SIDN uses a hot desk system. Meaning you can sit and do your job at any workstation that's free. They're all equipped with everything you need. Scattered around the building we've also got conference rooms and areas where teams can get together.
Applying for a job at SIDN
I like the sound of a job that you're advertising, but I don't meet all the criteria. Can I still apply?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained! We like proactive, motivated people. So get in touch and tell us why we should consider you for the job. Maybe we will; or maybe we'll spot another opportunity for you at SIDN.
Can I send you an open application?
Yes, sure! Send your CV and a covering letter to hrm@sidn.nl. We'll take a look and keep your details on file. As soon as something suitable comes up, we'll let you know.
When will you respond to my application?
We'll let you know within two weeks whether we'd like you to come for a first interview.
What happens at a first interview?
In our experience, there's no better way to start than having a good cup of coffee together (or tea if you prefer😉). Then we can start getting to know each other. You can ask us anything you like. And we'll obviously have some questions for you. What qualities can you offer? Why do you think you're right for us? Things like that. For details of the application process, take a look here.
Opportunities at SIDN
What are SIDN's benefits packages like?
For full details, take a look at our page about the compensation and benefits package.
Will I get a permanent contract?
People normally start on a one-year contract. If you like it here and we think your first year's gone well, we'll offer you a permanent contract at the end. We'll keep you in the loop and tell you in plenty of time what we think.
Is working from home an option?
We work with the latest technologies to collaborate effortlessly, whether remote and hybrid or physically together. We also provide a well-appointed home office and our office is set up to meet, inspire and collaborate.
What career progression opportunities are there?
At SIDN, you'll be responsible for your own personal development. We operate a continuous process of 360-degree feedback, combined with work, training and team goal-setting, plus one-to-one coaching. You'll be challenged to keep developing and paid a fair salary that reflects your contribution to the organisation. And outstanding performance will be rewarded. Our self-assessment tools enable you to see whether you have grown in your role, and what you can do to maintain your growth.
Fringe benefits at SIDN
What facilities does SIDN provide?
Our office complex has a staff restaurant on the third floor. Every day, Jolanda makes fresh soup, salads and sandwiches. All organic and healthy.
You can also unwind in our massage chair.
Every floor has a help-yourself selection of fresh fruit and vegetable snacks.
Will I get my own .nl domain name?
Yep! Every SIDN employee gets to register a .nl domain name for free. We'll even pay for a hosting package.
Does SIDN organise activities outside working hours?
We sure do. We think it's important that people have the chance to get to know each other outside work.
There's an active staff association that organises socials event several times a year. They include everything from game nights to sailing trips, from city walks to solex rides; we've done various workshops and recently even went to Snowworld together. Whatever we do, it always involves food. For the simple reason that we like it!
Every year at SIDN begins with a Kickstart event. It's our way of getting the new year going.
We hold a team-building weekend every second year. Everyone at SIDN has a tale or two to tell about how the weekends unfold!
Another biennial event is the SIDN Family Day. The programme varies from one edition to the next, but it's always a great way to introduce your family to the people you work with.