In 2005, SIDN adopted a new governance model featuring a Supervisory Board. Eddy Schuyer chaired that Board from its formation until 2014. In that period, both the .nl domain and the SIDN organisation grew considerably. At the start of Eddy's tenure, there were 1.5 million registered .nl domain names; in the year he stepped down, the number passed five million.

After retiring from the Supervisory Board in 2014, Eddy became the first Chair of the Board of Governors of the newly formed SIDN Fund. He held that post for the maximum period allowed by the constitution, before leaving office in 2022. Under Eddy's chairmanship, SIDN Fund achieved a great deal. By the end of 2021, three-hundred-plus innovative internet projects had received grants totalling more than twelve million euros. In 2022, Eddy was appointed Special Advisor to SIDN's Executive Board.