Whenever you type a .nl address, we make sure that you are directed to the correct site. That's what managing the .nl domain is all about. And it means that we operate at the heart of the Dutch internet community. It's a source of great pride for us that .nl is one of the world's most secure domains. We also make a difference in the fields of cybersecurity.
Our mission
Problem-free, opportunity-rich digital living for everyone.
Our vision
Vital medium
The internet has become the medium for information exchange, social interaction, cooperation and commerce. It also supports the economic and democratic development of nations and the personal development of individuals.
Quality and security
In the years ahead, the internet will be used ever more intensively by ever more people. It will also become possible to do more things on the internet. Against that background, it's vital that people can be confident in the internet's quality, security and privacy.
Independent experts
We work to make sure that you can have confidence in your digital world. We deliver high-quality services linked to innovative, secure domains and digital identities. By doing that, we add to the social and economic value of the internet for the Netherlands and the wider world. We are experts in our field and we operate on a completely independent basis.
Open and accessible
We want a single, global internet that is open and accessible to all and reflects the world's diversity of cultures, languages and scripts. An internet where freedom of expression, the right of publication and unrestricted access to information are the norm. So that you and all other internet users are entitled to feel secure.
Our organisation Sponsorship Our milestones SIDN Fund Supervisory BoardOur constitutions
SIDN strategy