Executive Board

Roelof Meijer and Loek Bakker together form the Executive Board

The Executive Board, sometimes referred to as the executive team, is responsible for SIDN's day-to-day management and policy. Our constitution requires that the Executive Board has no fewer than 2 members, and no more than 3. The Board currently consists of our Chief Executive Officer Roelof Meijer and Chief Technical Officer Loek Bakker. They have executive responsibility for both the Foundation for Internet Domain Registration in the Netherlands and the Foundation's subsidiary limited companies.

The Executive Board is accountable to our Supervisory Board.

Membership of the Executive Board

Read more about Roelof Meijer.


Loek Bakker

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Read more about Loek Bakker.

Standing Orders of the Executive Board

The powers and responsibilities of the Executive Board members, and the limits of those powers, are defined both by law and in the Constitution of the Foundation for Internet Domain Registration in the Netherlands. Additional rules are set out in the Standing Orders of the Executive Board.

Special advisors to the board and the Executive Board

If ever specialist advice is needed, the Executive Board can call on the 3 people who set up SIDN and on Eddy Schuyer, SIDN's first Supervisory Board Chair: