Do you have a question about your .nl domain name?

Please contact your registrar.

  • Unsure who your registrar is? Find out by looking up your domain name in the Whois.

  • Want to know how to register or update a domain name? Go to the .nl domain name menu.

Got another question or complaints?

Drop us a line or give us a call.


SIDN Support

Support Assistant

Our lines are open 8:30am to 5pm Dutch time

Do you have a questionn about SIDN BrandGuard?

Want to know more about our service to protect your brand from phishing & reputation damage? Or do you have a question about the dashboard? Then contact our Online brand monitoring specialist.

Drop a line or contact our specialist.

Peter Rotgans

Peter Rotgans

Specialist online brand monitoring

Please contact me if you have any questions.

General contact SIDN BV


+31 26 352 55 00 (general) +31 26 352 55 55 (support)

Mailing address:

PO Box 5022 6802 EA ARNHEM The Netherlands

Office address:

Meander 501 6825 MD ARNHEM The Netherlands


You can park on our site or (for up to two hours) in the roadside parking bays outside.

Administrative details

Trade Register: 88772896 VAT number: NL864773201B01 Bank: Rabobank Swift code: RABONL2U IBAN: NL09RABO0145116646

Reporting a security breach

Reporting a security breach

We do all we can to keep our systems secure. But it's always possible that you'll spot a weakness we've missed. If you do, please let us know, so that we can do something about it quickly. Reporting problems you come across is known as vulnerability disclosure.

Read our procedure

Doe mee aan het SIDN Panel!

Man at the laptop subscribes for the SIDN panel

Wil jij bijdragen aan het verbeteren van onze dienstverlening en daarmee ook het internet via .nl veiliger en beter maken? Geef dan maandelijks je mening via het SIDN Panel. Wij waarderen je mening zeer en daarom maak je maandelijks kans op cadeaubonnen.

Meld je aan voor het SIDN Panel

Lees meer over het SIDN Panel